Rambler Impact Award

What is the Rambler Impact Award?

Do you know of a current Rambler teacher, support staff member, coach, or director who has made a fantastic IMPACT on students in Boyne City Schools?  Would you love to recognize them and let them choose a school classroom, program, club, or activity to have a $1,000 donation made by the Boyne City Booster Foundation in their name?  We bet you do!  

 The Rambler Impact Award is a program sponsored by the BC Boosters to promote and celebrate those staff who are inspiring our Ramblers.  Three people must collaborate on the application; at least one parent and one current student must be on the nomination team. The application is simple: tell us all the fantastic traits of this impactful Rambler staff member and hit the submit button.  Nominations are due by March 24th.   Here is the link: Rambler Impact Award 

 Questions?  Contact Booster President Sheri Fitzpatrick at sfitzpatrick@boyne.k12.mi.us or Superintendent Pat Little at plittle@boyne.k12.mi.us